We have all heard about the fable of the rising of the phoenix from its own ashes. From almost pure demise and death the phoenix mustered the strength to resurrect and begin again. Sometimes life brings us to the borders of our existence. Only with an optimistic attitude do we possess the ability to push forward. Also many influences of a time at hand can irritate the development of our own personal opinion. This poem wants to bring insight into our endeavors and free us to attain our own results. With the reflection on cosmic Nature we can certainly find an affinity to higher truths.


Invulnerably committed to infatuations
dominating the cohesive process.
Inseparably omitted was the inoculation
imminently unnerving the pensive recess.
The ornamented microscopic illusion
miraculously eludes an unexpected aggression
expanding from itself in eagerness
propelling torrents as a possible solution.
Cyclonic deluges incite rainbows
stretching over the oceans
commencing a glorious monolith
resulting in a heavenly plateau.
As the final culmination is approached,
a phoenix fashions a pyre nest.
As its mysticism miraculously manifests
a sepulcher of aromatic branches and spices
such as myrrh to assist him to revitalize
his existence after being consumed in flames.
After three revolutions his death he overcame
rising from his remnants to rematerialize.
Exceeding all levels of mild intention
it yields a subtleness as the flora does flourish.
A flamboyant eccentric will express
various cantos from an ancient dissertation
depicting the malintentions
of the carriers of the broken flambeau.
We engage in deeper revelations
identifying the resources of untimeliness
summoning the optimistic proprietors
of hidden substances with exultation.
Indifferent intellectuals warp the nest
where infants of perpetual wisdom so serene
are dividing the innocent from the keen
protecting embryos from darker regions.
Awestruck stand the inept inhibitors
clutching their own figurine
attempting their futile allegiance.
We then implore the remembrance and charm
the beholders of our tenacious phoenix between
each doubtful anima held in his burning arms.
Oblique passages of diverging opinions
enunciate their subjective delusion.
Then we are reminded to reveal our gift unseen
glimmering like diamonds saved from harm.
The eternal quest for renewal brings self-esteem
as a priority for mankind resulting in cohesion.
As the gusts of clearing winds end legions
of iniquity, we restore the harvest-queen
who imperatively incredulously leans
on the shoulders of Atlas in revolution
against the objections of unruly dominions.