This verse came to my ears as my fellow New Yorkers initiated quietly a worldwide revolution. How simple it is to fall into a form of negative resolution thinking we must coexist with a band of bankers who cannot chase the zeroes off their financial endeavors. How meaningless is an existence based on a miser-like greed that devours each sense of metaphysics and spiritualism. In one moment of brainlessness they incepted a derivative market of speculation they blew up like an exploding cigar bringing many innocent bystanders into financial ruin. Therefore without any further demise people have taken to the streets and are tenting in parks expressing their deepest form of disbelief and challenging the powers to be to exemplify some form of humanism.

Innocuously unprovocative in peaceful nonresistance
we promote our irrevocable sense of self-dignity.
Inacceptable prognoses have rendered us upon the borders of tolerance
initializing the obviously illogical proportions of a clique of bandits and thieves.
We shall illustrate in contentment their notorious form of iniquity.
The angels of righteousness sit on our shoulders as we enunciate our deeper beliefs.
The karma of our existence will guide our quest toward propriety
catalyzing a tumult of global compliance and we revel in concordance
inspiring realms of assurance indiscriminately focused on humanity.
Even philanthropists have expressed remorse and given affluence
adjoining conversations amongst an agonizing duality
influencing indifferent outposts of our ailing society.
Entitling each individual to exert their energetic divinity
without apprehension instigating a distinguished authenticity.
Exhibiting an adamant and constant form of endurance
we weather each political earthquake in greater relief
incredulously vanquishing the hysterical hypocrisy.
Implying the occupation of our earthly and heavenly inheritance
we undeniably set forth an auspicious ringing of messianic bells
tolling over the spiritual landscape in joyous ceremony.
In the echoing cries of injustice we emerge with a testimony
of pictorial significance implementing a heroic countenance.
Charlatans guarding their hoaxing unvirtuous clandestine sanctimony
have vanished into thin air with their expendable irrationality.
We rejoice in unison chanting ancient parables of exuberance
enticing each plausible solution into glorious fruition.
The golden age of Nostradamus will commence as we marvel
our harmonious unity pluralistically eluding contradiction.
The body electric will pronounce our uplifting course to channel
each nurturing path of endearment with a permanent sustenance.
Comprehensively correlating opposing affinities we angle
the indigenous and enlightened path of a post-modern democracy
and will negotiate a domiciliation of the proverbial constitution
heralding “we the people” inhabiting our rightful pursuance
of fulfillment with mutual aspiration and benevolence.