Looking over the firmament as far as the eye can see
We saunter through an autumnal countryside
There are the last glimpses of fading goldenrods and marigolds
Accompanying our lackadaisical stroll is the Libra sun
electrifying the tinges of the deciduous wonders of gold
as they then tumble in the winds of Allhallowtide so elusively.
Instantaneously inspired, relaxedly immersed in thought
we conceive the imaginable appearance of splendid paragons.
Watching my canine friend sniff the odors of Nature
Wandering through the bubbling brooks like a simpleton
Across the meadows to a luscious pond and waterside
I capture a moment once again of my childhood simplicity
rejoining the bliss of a worriless atmosphere in sunbeams.
Grinning through the day as if all was standing still
finding a playful memory while watching one last butterfly.
Tossing forth a Frisbee and galloping in pursuit, caught
while in flight, as my dog is pleasing itself with a stronghold.
Whistling a tune like the happy peasant everything seems
to place itself in perfect juxtaposition to be miraculously sought.
As the fading dusk returns to darkness a blood moon has begun
to enchant its observers as we continue our journey a thousandfold
more brilliant than our days before and deeply satisfied.
Wagging her tail in utter contentment I stroke her ears thrilled
with her loyal heart and protective demeanor and eyes that gleam.
Watching Arcturus guiding us through the forest’s groves I taught
her to comfortably pause resting tenderly upon my finger.
Listening to the hooting owls and nocturnal whispers we glide
smoothly through the trodden path to a mountain stream.
Sitting together before the lake watching the distant fog linger
we ignite a fire crackling in the moonlight like a fairy tale untold.
Glancing mildly to the celestial panorama we ask the Gods to fulfill
our wishes of serenity and gratification giving praises in humility.
As the peacefulness overwhelms us both we have decided
to ramble through the woods back home as an afterthought
haunts us reminding us of the bounteous life we dream.