Country sleeper, my sweet angelic strokes and caress
will wake you in a while and you will leisurely surrender.
I’ll be biding my time with a patience divine to express
my longing as you blush so shyly awaiting such splendor.
Saying under my breath I stand so bashful and coy
unaware of your secretive passions and kisses so tender.
Captivating my desire with one blink of your eye I enjoy
each fleeting moment as this amorous atmosphere renders
me helpless with enticing insinuations arousing an extravagant joy.
In the aftermath of our dedicated devotion we have in oneness seen
the glorification of our indivisibility as a duality and counterpart.
Strolling later hand in hand over the fields and plains we coalesce
inseparably paired, with the graces of simpleness, never to depart.
Country sleeper as you gaze over the meadows green
your emerald eyes glance over the poppy flowers as we bless
Mother Nature as she blossoms with our palpitating hearts.
The suppleness of our relationship is easing on a dreamy scene
of a trustworthy partnership which accompanies our ventures.
The boundless assurance brings fondness and affections with an art
of gentle communion forming a rainbow of enchantment so serene.
As the twilight begins its glow on the horizon our adventures
persuade our emotions to fondle the hair of each other impressed
with the appearance of Venus in the evening as she smiles upon us.
Can you lean upon my shoulder and fall into a trance so beauteous
marveling our surroundings as Cupid appears with his kindheartedness?
This archer has flung his arrow in search of a sumptuous fairy queen
enacting an episode of lasciviousness with burning desires so luxurious.
With reckless abandon we enter a phase inflamed in fancy unforeseen
and gloriously beguiled beyond the parameters of self-control promiscuous
and overdrawn overwhelming our senses to the point of excess.
Country Sleeper my fantasia is depicting the embellishing comets so limitless
as they probe their paths to my admiring soul enthralled by your sighs so sensuous.