Impending consequences witnessed from heaven will be forthcoming
The immunity of a chosen few defies logic and reason
The onlooking victims were bystanders of atrocities
initiated from resources inhumane and reeking of treason.
A benevolent great uncle exhibits his prodigious flexibility
with a wisdom and keen oversight seductively succumbing
the masses offering an oratorical genius and generousity.
His obvious candidness warms and inspires the legions
of society where honesty prevails in profound sincerity.
Echoing the principles of righteousness we hear the drumming
of an ancient tribal ritual which soothes us with clarity.
Visioning upon the horizon the glow of an evening star
the contemplative carols of the cherubs ring forth overcoming
the menacing nuisances which stifle us as we are.
Like a beckoning lighthouse offshore we arouse and stimulate
the willingness to progress our revolution without polarity
blending the unselfish wishes of others hence becoming
the manifestation of the promised future of health and prosperity.
Favoritism will vanish with the waving of the wand to dissipate
the imbalances of separatism gifting us with the particular.
Through the twilight’s fog the conclusive message will jar
us from our slumber animating evolution to an astounding level.
As the infidels dwell amidst their iniquitous strategies
the exalted orator proceeds to entice our imaginations
releasing our inner turmoil replacing it with rationality.
Listening so attentively as our souls do ascend and rejoice
his paraphrases replenishing our faith and self-determination.
Blossoming repercussions insinuate the reverberation
of imperial choruses resonating through our voice.
The commencement of social virtues with end the tragedy
of the eventuality of injustices and in peace we will revel.
Tenuous alibis have blistered the observant ear as the choice
hopefully encompasses submission proposing a viable reality.
The continuation of this radical farce alluring an ultimate disgrace
will rattle the rafters generating an earthquake sending waves
from our beckoning lighthouse offshore to totally erase
the opportunity of cooperativeness and the existence of magnanimity.
The immune will propagate their bottomless pit to enslave
the modest amongst us all as well as the humble and commonplace.
Their Black Mass practiced by the Skull and Bones will replace
the irreproachable with the unsociable tending their pact with the devil.
Insatiable thirst for power has crippled the transcendental
as their axioms are hindered and all Nature wails in lamentation.
Heeding the fundamentals of coexistence recollecting the monumental
creative potential of each individual exceeds each separate case
as we recognize the strength of unity and the duality of purpose.
Moving through sympathetic throngs of congeniality and cordiality
we emulate the focus upon our planet so beauteous.
Like a beckoning lighthouse offshore our kind grand uncle reiterates
his concern for our children and prospective generations.
Pleading with celebration as all hearken his wishes he jubilates
as his zealous crowd applauds his efforts with exuberant vitality.