Crying for Santa Claus is dead
Crying the children go unfed
in utter sadness and poverty.
Crumbs for the meager instead?
The human race became a horrid schism
with a propaganda of hate and indifference.
Taught to criticize the lack of tolerance
Nonetheless homeland security succumbs
to a horrendous form of surveillance.
Our Messiah taught us to overcome
the unwillingness of a tortured humanity
by imploring the archangels with tenacity
relieving us from the betrayal of our enemies.
The purpose of the manger and nativity
was to advise us with profound wisdom.
‘For what shall it profit a man,
if he gain the entire world,
and suffer the loss of his soul? ‘
Being troubled by the banal and mundane
will affect our behavior at hand.
Hence the gentle will be dismissed
under the calloused and cold
while the devilish rule and reign.
They may be standing in wonder asking,
‘Where is my present amongst the coals? ‘
Santa did choice this for your stockings.
It’s the selfish determination of goals.
Awaken to the selfless everlasting
Pray for the poor that they will gain
the beauty of life’s serendipity.
The hand of our saviour is tenderly rocking
the cradle of innocence with his solemn kiss.
Hoping our sovereignty will still remain
as our liberties disappear with insincerity.
Inquiring the wealthy with a meticulous clause
to utilize their influence over what they obtain.
Questioning why they produce such heartless pain
forgetting the woes of the paupers’ abyss.
The rich seem mostly uninterested in learning
the valid dilemma of these urchins importunity.
Crying for Santa Claus is dead
Crying for the children go unfed
Their famine is senseless, hear their pleas
for this reality to become the antithesis.
As the sun shyly turns to the evening’s dusk
the lonely shepherds have been secretly talking
about the ancient justice of the bush burning
giving us enlightenment and a life so bounteous.
Therefore the culmination of an eastern star
bringing the hope of greater emphasis.
‘Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel
to go through the eye of a needle
than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.’
Hence the blessings on the peasants,
the lovers with their nights so luxurious
and the poet with his epitome of elegance.
Into the freedom of the spiritual waves
which accompany our faithful brethren.
We weave a wondersome pleasant
pattern within our holy tapestry.
We then clutch a brush to enamel
depictions of the empathetic people
whom we cherish in complacency.
Permanent destruction of intimate trust
will surely undeniably thrust
the parables to another trajectory.
‘If you bring forth what is within you
what you bring forth will save you.
If you do not bring forth what is within you,
what you do not bring forth will destroy you.’
In other words the ethereal finds its habitat
in the revered realms of our heart.
Giving of our personal fluorescence
will melt the evilest autocrat.
Where shying away with timidity
won’t crown us with quintessence
and leave us hungering for acceptance.
Crying for Santa Claus is dead
Crying for the children go unfed
The truth of the matter is the futility
of the proper sympathy and balance.
Scoffing the miser’s irresponsibility
was the Christmas Carol of Dickens.
Ebenezer was lost as a hoarder
cautioned and despised with fret
as he devoured all with subservience.
Although mankind never was well-informed
we possess a portion of common sense.
War and hunger for a bloody finance
throttles our throats with complete hostility.
We must protest for common decency
reiterating our prince from the stars.
‘Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you
so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven
for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good
and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. ‘
Never harbor deeply a senseless hatred.
Forgive them for they know not what they do.
Gift our souls with emancipation, fine-spirited
to enliven the weak and calm the storm
with reconciliation as we pursue to warm
the hardened to give as they are uplifted.
Beseeching them to improve and adjust
singing hallelujah with a voice so sacred
thrilled to be reborn no longer to harm
the needy as their gold turns to stardust.