Strolling through a freshly fallen snow glistening in the moonlight
Glimpsing to Gemini as it gives abode to our late autumn’s lunar delight
Sensing the culmination of darkness with the twilight’s disappearance
Cozily sitting by the fireside with a mulled claret, consumed in abeyance.
Lighting a row of candles as the sole source of evening’s illumination
Reciting verses of December while the summer’s glowing skies we remember
as the shimmering atmosphere rose our dispositions with exhilaration.
Returning we wander through a nearby wood collecting holly and pine cones
The full moon brightens our path as we securely meander in consonance
humming a melodious passage in descant as the owl hoots his tones.
Approaching a clearing as the evergreen’s bows whistle Nature’s assonance
Waking a Gray-crowned Rosy-finch as Taurus glimmers next to Orion
and it timidly whimpers, fluttering it feathers, a shy and demure song.
The calm creaking under our boots is a counterpoint to the seldom sounds
harmonizing with a minuscule decibel soothing the inner turmoil and hectic.
Healing us with every passing second caressing our chakras with an ascetic
of magnificence blessing us and anointing us with a cosmic merry-go-round.
As this carousel proceeds to empower our awareness we reflect on our eloquence
of expressiveness as crystal flakes gleam with the starlight in luminescence.
The balsam firs sigh as the breezes ruffle their branches dipped with their icing.
The sparkling boughs mirror the radiance back to the somber countenance
which sorrowfully looks over our badgered Nature emotionally sacrificing
his sovereignty to beseech the homo-sapiens to exercise intelligence.
As the Sagittarian sky kisses the southwestern horizon to induce the winter season
we implore the northern cardinals to exhibit their beauty and exuberance.
Their heavenly call of an upward contour is proceeded by the warmest chirping
which melts icicles with its optimism giving Jack Frost an alternative reason.
He freezes nevertheless painting his gorgeous depictions and designs usurping
the doldrums of the nocturnal passage exercising Mother Earth’s providence.
Heeding the trust of our nightly lustrousness we gallivant through the forest
heaving snowballs like a pillow fight teasing each other as we are lurking
beneath an igloo flirtatiously intertwined hidden in a sensual nest.
The romantic atmosphere impels us to kiss like an Eskimo with incandescence
which retains our inner warmth and internal serenity excitingly alerting
our wondrous surroundings to reawaken our perceptivity and prowess.
Embracing the Pleaidian emanation we gaze impassioned into the firmament
as the silence overwhelms us with delicacy easing our souls in enticement
as we conjure the archangels to bestow us with the marvels of calmness.
Arcturus is the herder of Divine Will who enters the northern sky as the Avatar
protecting the virginity of our landscapes bounteously radiating from afar
to guide a benevolent attitude for our reception strengthening our resilience.
The brilliance of our full moon captivates our willingness to realignment
with interstellar boulevards weaving through the cosmos in prevalence.
Then our empyrean path will be an emblem of identity and enlightenment
guiding us through each new encounter with our miraculous remembrance.
This will be imbedded in our consciousness remarkably astute like a blue star
accompanying us to our destiny with a solemn purpose glowing with eminence.