Returning to the requiescence of a meditative reflection we rejuvenate
our inner peace to flourish amidst the recollections of yesteryears.
This reminiscence conjures our futuristic inventiveness and liberates
us from labyrinths of idiosyncrasies as clarity gently reappears.
Promenading through a devotional path of personal resolution
we spawn innovative objectives with universal connotations.
Exemplifying a receptivity of openness which begins to illuminate
upon the children of virtue who wait patiently in another sphere.
Pondering with head in hand is the philosopher of the alternative
who escapes the banal repetitious dogma to plainly initiate
the replenishment of a beneficially simulative symbiosis.
The exchange of concepts with accessible discussion is the collective
which we aspire to accomplish as diligence replaces neurosis.
One paraphrase engenders another transporting comprehension
with multifarious insinuations bringing an innuendo as the clue.
Perchance our situational circumstance will tend to alleviate
the differential which threatens the balance of our solution.
The surfacing relativity will secure all opposition to exercise a counterweight
as each individual voice interacts displaying an immediate osmosis.
The liberation of expression is craving for recognition and seemingly overdue.
The glorification of the communion of souls will resound and reverberate
reuniting each enterprise with a complementary reciprocal attribution.
In a perfect society of consonant perspectives seldomly will appear illusions.
Still dreams are implanted in desire and imbedded in the hearts of a multitude.
Ignoring this humanistic yearning is indeed a form of cynical skepticism
which reacts against our nature and disenchants our rightful latitude.
Forsaking our memories of our unblemished innocence with a pessimism
will disarrange our solemn contemplation while disrupting a positive attitude
leaving us abandoned and searching through total darkness in destitution
grasping for straws in the wake of being blundered in utter confusion.
Resistance to the eradication of each individual ambition must be maintained
in behalf of the cherished imagination as it flutters ethereally to authenticate
its reality in the realms of coveted wishes where it revels and shall remain.
Needless condemnation must be removed with its tyrannical disposition
discouraging the development of adventuresome ideals which much sustain.
Hasten the Pegasus with its upward flight to challenge the forces of fatalism
and inspire the prophets to reassert their beliefs and instruct their wisdom.
We will hallow these antique proverbs to accompany our endeavors
as we further our quest to the far-reaching rainbows of our plentitude.
As the outstretched arms of our counselor embrace our ancestors
we aspire to cohabitate with his offspring so compassionate and humane.
The pursuit of a personal prosperity is possible without a hideous imposition
of monetary dependency releasing us to a sympathetic world of the cooperative.
Here exist the wonders of mutual admiration which captures our stimulus to treasure
the breath we breathe and the gardens we view as we nurture our incentives.