Lurking under a bridge is a nasty despicable troll
Harmless in relation to the lobbyists playing their roll
sent from Texaco through some cowboy’s connection.
Wise and amplified with mirrors, smoke and trinkets
disguising his iniquitous game, devoid of scrupulous detection.
Pulling the wool over our eyes with mushroom cloud presets
is luring the politicians into their trap of disinformation.
The basis of humanism has been bought and sold.
Even Dudley-Do Right has strapped Miss America to the tracks
while Bin Laden’s cousin Snidely Whiplash received an Oscar
for an impersonation of a Mujahideen so bizarre and demoniac.
Lost in the Bullwinkle approach to true and viable solutions
scaring the lambs in the TV world to believe the script of horror
and usurping our freedoms in protection of Islamic persecution.
Proceeding thoughtlessly to heartless bestial forms of inhuman torture
claiming to search for secrets to undercover their purpose as kleptomaniacs
of Mesopotamia crossing the Tigris and Euphrates with stolen culture.
Then the precepts from their Neoliberal think tanks have completely perturbed
the intellectual community dumbfounded with the propaganda of destruction.
Possessing and bestowing their weapons of massive bewilderment attacks
our trust of leaders who are only interested in instability and complete disruption.
The obvious misuse of power has turned into a farce of egomaniacs
whose sole concern is to dispose socialism while Arab pride remains disturbed.
Reflections upon the idiocy of antiscience throwing unburned papers with dust
from a synthetic symmetrical demolition with molecular modification.
Reading between the lines a reality arises why the basements imploded
while all stories were simultaneously destroyed as the token indignation.
Galilean freefall came to be the talk of the day but was irreparably denied
for the forsaken reason was inexplicably a reflected laser beam so mystified.
Then to designate the date of an emergency call seven hours later exploded,
suddenly out of the blue, Silverstein’s headquarters into seventh heaven.
The most protected airspace on the planet with an Air Force base juxtaposed
revealed an entry of some ballistic missile denying the principles of aerodynamics.
Then the monsters capitalized on a possible democratic process and revolution
to magnify their dollars against the dinar by diabolizing Gaddafi’s illusion.
Is it possible this theater is slowly beginning to unravel and will be exposed?
We must all hope and pray for the reasoning to be wholesome and leaven.
The pot is boiling over wherewith the hexing and bedeviling of a group of criminals
held in the injustices of their actions is forming a group of landless maniacs.
They also produce assailants for the usage of combatants, claim the false patriots
by singing hallelujah blindly during sport events glorifying these poor creatures.
All in the name of danger they continue to stir their witch’s brew to feature
their corporate CEOs with their fingers in their ears like blooming atheists.
Spilling over in Kirkuk is a waterfall of benzene as they perpetrate a stronghold
of trepidation dismantling any dissidents who protest these monsters of black gold.