Attaining the fortuitous revelation of an unending joyous jubilation
will infatuate the senses conveying a fascination as we promenade
savoring glimpses of Nature prompting the appearance of inspiration.
Cradling the essence of this beatific phenomenon we shelter our emotions
enthused within our effervescent aura living our lighthearted crusade.
Amidst the Himalayan landscape the Dalai Lama’s meditative competence
streams through tributaries to valleys of waterfalls into the ocean.
Magnetizing with our charisma floating through our graceful gestures
we are harmonizing dissonances with symmetries to opportunely overshade
the cumbersome warranting the reception of mystical tintinnabulation.
Synergistically masterminding with magnanimity, our intentions simple and pure,
we stir the reawakening of visionary concepts which progress and pervade
delivering a robust resource of ingenuity convincingly, unassumingly demure.
Prancing over fields and flowers we are the blythe spirits who aspire transcendence.
Methodically we accentuate the positive alleviating the burden of an insecure
approach with fresher ideology persevering through this epoch of negligence.
Awareness of a multicultural diversity is sublimely implemented to lure
our consciousness to embrace this multifarious
bounteous environment of magnificence.
Successional praises resonate touching the obstinate to revalue their charade.
A wayward attitude transfigures itself into the opposite as a positive demeanor.
Reacting complacently we challenge the avoidance of the laissez-faire as they parade
their ignorance ignobly resistant to the logic of initializing a healthy disobedience.
Raising cane with the eyes of a tiger provokes
their sentiments to an amazing existence
accomplishing an impossibility with the waving of a wand and astonishing resilience.
Engendering a congenial state of mind evokes the inventive spin of a connoisseur
whose wondrous perception enlightens the innocent bystanders with illumination.
Catching shooting stars are the gnomes of the nearby wood performing a harlequinade
with a charming scenario ironically insidious like a jokingly taunting persifleur.
We giggle over the absurdity of their comical routine with their sarcastic fluctuation.
Returning from the ridiculous escorts us to a phase of completion and culmination
rewardingly content gaining plentifully as the serenity soothes us in reverence.
Exceedingly reassured we bow with gratitude giving profoundly our devotion.
Springing over babbling brooks we are the blythe spirits who aspire transcendence.
We incite mind over matter rapturously woven in our spiritually perpetual motion
evolving marvelously endowed entrusted in the mysteries of creation.
As Isaiah preached the obvious alerting us to the cosmic beauty of our providence
we notice the suggestive powers of chance is the antithesis of deliberation.
Therefore eternity is coherent with relativity and without a doubt no antiscience.
As the paradisal whereabouts we habituate tickle our fancy we fathom the notion
our gift of life is incomparable rejoicing like a new-born child safe and secure.
The heroic perfection of our counselor gave us a supremely intelligent philosopher
similar to the golden section of our solar system possessing His Holy signature.
Through our sacred chastity burns an incessant fire where faith is to be procured
which isn’t blind but rich with compassion bringing happiness into manifestation.
Hence the marvels of His majestic genesis
transport more burgeoning and fluorescence
as we blythe spirits acknowledge His exquisite universe with boundless exuberance.