Strolling leisurely one afternoon I stood before a blooming magnolia.
This irresistibly captivating phenomenon seized my total awareness
while I passed and glanced through its branches into the skies of a vernal azure.
Then a sequence of the goldfinch’s pleasant melody streamed into my ears
as I viewed daffodils in their transient beauty adorning a reawakened Nature.
I was overcome with a meditative submission transporting transcendence
through my thoughts engendering the perception of outright utopia.
The adoration is overflowing from my heart to my emotions as I adhere
to the admiration of this breathtaking perfection so unblemished and pure.
Each vigorous blossom announces an evolution we cherish and revere
mesmerizing our senses with aromas and images to arouse our inventiveness.
The southeastern breezes caress our skin while tulips burst to procure
again the wonderment of each beholder reenacting the incredible equivalence
of passionate love calls from the fauna echoing the nymphs’ newest idea.
Blending the primroses with the white burgeoning deciduous biosphere
brings the return of our honey bees, beetles and ants to a scenic symposia.
The delicate balance of sunbeams, rainfall and the grandeur of our atmosphere
empowers the wholesome increase of foliage and the unfolding of magnificence.
Reflecting constantly through the enhancement of the blooming magnolia
our heartbeat springs overjoyed with its affinity to this vernal sky of azure.
Acclaiming with the accompaniment of birdsong we whistle in carefree euphoria
a counterpoint with a rhythmical variation as we resolutely rest to reassure
the benefits of this immediate quest of relaxation amidst this extravagance.
The multifarious tones of emerald fascinate our vision while a rambunctious pioneer
raises his striped baby boars in the calmness of his woodland writing his historia.
His poetic reminisce through his memoirs also rings true as the woodpeckers appear
embellishing the landscape with their ticking in an unexpected timelessness
enthralling all as we surrender to the beatific babbling brooks and other pleasure.
The amaryllis and anemone are flourishing forth as a wandering mountaineer
passes hiking robustly flabbergasted from his surroundings and with each begonia.
Singing his verses with flocks of bluebirds he anticipates all of the wildlife treasure
to assist his journey through inspiration for definitely the roses will soon reappear.
So as the short-lived gorgeousness of our tree of wonder relinquishes in evanescence
we wait despondently until Aries hides behind our solar king and toasts with ambrosia
for the reinstatement of this brief fleeting moment of enchantment. The charioteer
Auriga sets with Venus into the western sky as we thank the Gods in utter quiescence.
Knowingly capable of expanding reality the inevitability warrants the consequence
to invite the spirits of totality as the end result is presented within a cornucopia.
Reflecting constantly through the enhancement of this blooming magnolia
our heartbeat will jump overjoyed sensing its natural affinity to this vernal sky of azure.
In our coziness we recollect through summer onto the autumnal deliverance
into the frigid wintry new-born light hoping to witness this spectacle so clear.
The warmth of this spectacular vista will accompany our dreams and memorabilia
hidden in a cycle of the motion of the seasons like the butterfly in a subtle luxuriance.