Avoidance of criterion embedded in the natural sciences of imperishable axioms
brings about the intangibility of incongruities conveying confusing anecdota.

The subjective imaginations consumed in elaboration
paint a multifarious landscape inducing a critical mind to contemplate
poetic alternatives not giving an iota
of reflection enacting a phantasmal,
ebullient enthusiasm via an escape.

Retroactive repercussions ignite a blazing burst
of transparency inducing a Te Deum
with polytonal tributaries appeasing the Muses and their artistic quota.

Cleansing waters baptize the wayward
and their wishes flourish and help to shape
a futuristic persuasion implicating a revolving ecliptic in metamorphism.

Allusive visions will petition a challenging new perception
unfolding a higher symposium
unraveling ancient limericks deciphering relinquished hopes with fawn and flora.

Incidental impetuous inclinations expediate
an extemporaneous flare of ad libitum.

A frolicsome rollicking naivety encompasses
the wallowing throng as their schism
evaporates with the disappearance
of the lingering fog absorbing contradiction.

In unison with Nature’s caterpillar we slumber in our cocoon
patiently awaiting transformation.

Emancipated from all afflictions we assure the salt of the Earth
with a newly received aura
to proceed a path of charity and self-recognition
endowing our presence with expectation.

Consecrating the weary we entice
the murmuring doubting Thomas into pandemonium.

Recreating the archetypal reconditioned atmosphere
the contrast will overbear and risen
is the individual perceptivity
which induces a unique epoch initiating a glorious imperium.

Impartial and meditative we implore
the hidden energetic fields to implicate radiance
exuding from our brow ameliorating our surroundings
as we dwell amongst the brilliance
of this wonderment at hand
eluding the catastrophic supposed masters of destiny.

Ascertaining wisdom as we meander through fields of anemones
grappling for the divine prism
which will enlighten our journey and casts no shadow of doubt
on our coming ascendancy.

As the process reaches revelation the verses of our recitation
will resonate through the halls of cherished pacifism
as modest children invoke an invitational promenade
announcing the arrival of humanism.

Ascending spiritually the phoenix incessantly moves
each feather with optimistic tendencies
unfurling his wings, taking flight
over the ashes of its time immemorially surpassing martyrdom.