The reawakening of the lotus blossom is conjuring
the free-thinking metaphysical prophets
to retrospectively contemplate the reclamation
of virtues inciting the credulous.
The oligarchic absolutists twist the logic
to render a superfluous and ominous roulette
into a caricature of their own fabrication
deluding the commonplace in bewilderment.
Invoking a secluded thought process
the imaginative reveal to the woeful and lamentable
an auspicious inspirational outpouring
of authentic pathos with a beguiling amourette.
Cascades of cleansing waters purify the undercurrents
of the susceptible insuring their internal balance
and noble immunities sundering the recusant and decadent.
Self-sufficient are the solitary as their aptitudes
flourish in recluse as each redeem their intimate qualities
with an interwoven personal assessment.
No self-glorification will empower
the wonders of a parallel and equidistant
assumption reopening the emergence
of self-awareness and a willingness to persevere.
A glazing memory of times gone past has cultivated
a rippling wave of glorious embellishments.
The altruistic deacons of cause and effect
will pursue a path pure and commendable
aspiring forward into a realm of crystalline
impressions exuding through a harmonious
arousal intensifying our perception
and clarifying our quest toward the inevitable.
Enhancing our noble approach are dancing unicorns
enthralled in a vision of silhouettes
rollicking through the Cumberland
in search of a phantasma of reality tranquil and irrefutable.
The redefinition of oneself lies within the latitudes
of personal conviction and a belief in a mission
to subside our desolate turmoil as euphoria reappears.
Our intrinsic proverbial wisdom will exceed a crown of thorns
and weaken its stronghold upon us as we promulgate
our philosophic postulates with honorable gratitude.
We will assemble a choir humming a lilting chasonette
invoking a meditative atmosphere in utter quiescence.
Congregating on the summit of the comprehensible
we further our pursuit of a preeminent enlightenment.
Our distinguished discourse will exhibit all facets
of a deepened ontology circumventing the deplorable.
Embodying our ravishing charisma we beget a wonderland
of grandeur heralding in a sublime consciousness.
In our utmost perceptibility we strive to accentuate
our inner essence endowing peacefulness and solitude.