Isolde something is happ’ning between us, a miracle
I hold a moment your charms for your smile’s so delectable.
Within your gentle soul
lies mysteries untold
reaching beyond the sky
into the Milky Way far from our eyes.
So stay just the way you are, hidden in the stars
magically rapturous, demure and so voluptuous.
Over your aura shines, a rainbow so sublime
to ease as my spirit pines filled with a peace divine.
Isolde something is happ’ning between us, a miracle
I hold a moment your charms for your smile’s so delectable.
Life is gleaming, I keep dreaming
Inspire my muses with melodies streaming.
Twilight amuses while Nature chooses
the indigo hues while then
Jupiter’s rising with passion enticing.
A sickle moon does, set before us.
Dusk is falling while Cupid’s calling.
He pulls his arrow with singing sparrows.
All these feelings are a god-send
Squeeze me tightly till angels descend.
Isolde something is happ’ning between us, a miracle
I hold a moment your charms for your smile’s so delectable.
Sing to me from the deep until I fall asleep.
My soul will drift above, enchanted as I’m thinking of
your healing energy, you tease so playfully
the sentiments are beauteous, our companionship is bounteous.
Soon I’m awakening, your hand I’m taking
Strolling through the forest with you I adorest
picking wild flowers, idling for hours until the sunset.
Again the twilight the secret highlight
with Venus glowing, the cup overflowing
A breeze is stirring, a cat is purring
A lamp casts a shadow for this desperado
All our talk turns to rhyme with singing
exciting the birds to begin their winging.
All these feelings are a god-send
Squeeze me tightly till the angels descend.
Isolde something is happ’ning between us, a miracle
I hold a moment your charms for your smile’s so delectable.