“This is the continuation of the single greatest Witch Hunt of all time
with a rogue judge who rules that properties don’t really rhyme
with my estimations of worth , far below and only a sliver of a fraction.
Just one one-hundredth and I will impose another ludicrous distraction
claiming my floor space in Trump Tower was massively superseding
its width and breadth stopping me from whining then succeeding.
Committing the same fraud as many other ruthless billionaires
who never were like Grover Cleveland so staunch and debonair.
He and I will once again regain the White House as I am a fascist
destroying normal business practice as a fraud and white supremacist.
I have the richest and dumbest lawyers sitting by my left and right side
protecting me from projecting and rejecting while I profusely lie.
We have a failed governor racist attorney general, a horror scam
attacking my neck like a vampire holding rule over this holler sham.
My financial accounts and propositions are extraordinarily phenomenal
nevertheless Letitia is treating me like a swindler so incredibly abominable.
Hi I am unhinged and claim Jack is also a blooming moonshine lunatic
I can declassify secret documents and sell them off to the Bolsheviks.
All my judges and prosecutors are out to victimize me and are Trump-haters
while DeSantimonious is a Mickey Mouse running after flagrant alligators.
The Road Runner is after the Arizonan Coyote where I turned every vote
upside down and sideways in search of meddling as I stupidly did gloat
over the Freedom Caucus as Mattsy did my bidding for the 118th Congress.
I have claimed that no one decided but myself the results of the 2020 mess
smearing the Capitol with my importance, the Secret Service and narcissism.
So I will ride the flaming apocalyptic horse into the sunset for my despotism.
Poor Liz was forced out of service for the brainwashed hilarious Harriet
who is ready for our President with a 1776 rifle and a French bayonet.
So Don’s words will ring through this court that this process is a disgrace.
My Daddy gave me cash so I could speculate for the Republican race.
I might be self-incriminating for I have done no wrong and I am innocent.
I was cheated, stop the steal, it was rigged and I am truly omnipotent.
No matter what Krebs claimed I will scream out for my man Tom Petty.
“I Won’t Back Down” all the way to the crap game with Rootie’s confetti.
I will stand my ground with Marjorie as my new gilded Vice-President
despite my guilt and the others is seemingly obvious and evident.
So I will constantly insult, intimidate, threaten and like Edgar horrify
because my broken record won’t skip and will be my chance to testify.
So for all my brainwashed Maga crowd I will deeply and solemnly promise
I will let my head roll for you although I’m gagged I won’t be overly cautious.
I will chase the Witch on her broom on the way to the yellow brick road
as the Wizard sits behind his curtain like a bloated erroneous toad.
I have to treat my complete opponents with no respect and indifference
for their comments are noxious and can be called election interference.
I will digest your weak and flimsy form of supposed freedom and democracy
with my newest version of dominance called dictatorial vociferous autocracy.