I woke up this morning crying “My goodness gracious”
The monstrous majority decided the most outrageous.
We had to swallow the rejection of the appellate DC court
and accept a delay in the insurrection trial to boot.
Frustration ran high but the inevitable is beyond this sort.
There is no reasonable discussion after the true timetable
considering an election as a prerequisite for blockage.
The rules and regulation allow the process to be able
to proceed regardless of an illegitimate form of stoppage.
Scrooge McDuck with his dark money and smoking suit
won’t master a yellow brick road for a cruel sabotage.
Therefore Donald and his nephews will try to refute
the claims of each good judge who needs no label.
Stamped with partisanship the Scotus cannot thwart
the continuation of necessary convictions while he loots
investors with his university as a liar so extraneous.
With his chin protruded playing the accordion he disputes
his dissonance highly irrationally accepting no retort.
Take for example Miss Ginni and her obviously vicious
rhetoric blaspheming her Clarence while all is culpable.
Smoking a cigar in a garden with Harlan raking in millions
while his Mom is housed in an expensive pad so luxurious.
Then we have our Jersey Boy Samy like a bloody reptilian
helping Singer’s Hedge Fond with his fishing expedition.
Then like a seal Colorado Neil, who usurped the intention
of Obama who chose Merrick, earned a real estate deductible.
Also disrespectfully ignoring the wisdom of the illustrious
authorities of the constitution was ill-advised and destructible.
This hooligan was a mutinous sore loser with his villains
wrecking the people’s House and terrorizing the congressmen.
It was an obtruse day of reckoning destroying every civilian
procedure of debating differences in a method incorruptible.
In this instance the 14th Amendment Clause 3 doesn’t distort
the basic fact of no allowance for service with democratic vision.
Whether is it Colorado, Maine or Illinois we will not need to resort
to any further explanation of disqualification outside of prison.
Being the most powerful man on Earth one must be industrious
and dedicated to the principles in the Declaration of Independence.
Oligarchic, Plutocratic and Autocratic tendencies will not extort
our daily lives as we seek to prosper forwardly to quintessence.
Scholars like Tribe, Luttig, Kaytal , Baude and Paulsen are the conscious
of our society forbidding our griever in the Oval Office with attendance.
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice will swab the deck with little reverence
as the entire observing audience will become astoundingly noxious.
Creamed from a supreme misuse through dark money Sheldon aborts
their chances with research, ethics and impeachment as their obnoxious
behaviour is dismissed as they are exposed properly as total degenerates.
Hoping for an aurora borealis to enlighten the depths of artic darkness
we beseech are guardian angel to strengthen our lighthouse at port.
Leaning on the breast of our mother we soften our souls from harshness
to enthrall our brethren to embrace, succumbing to grace and guidance.